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We make cities more walkable, bikeable, equitable — with data.

Numina is the only computer vision sensor solution purpose-built for streets and designed from Day 1 to provide intelligence without surveillance.


Numina measures where and how things move at street level.

Existing traffic management is car-focused and prohibitively expensive, prioritizing throughput over safety and vibrancy. Numina is a plug-and-play solution to measure activity in streets and harness data to makes places safer, more efficient, and more enjoyable for people.

Some quick facts

About the challenges of city streets

More than 1/2 of all humans now live in cities.
Expected to grow to 66% by 2050.1

Poor walkability and bikeability in urban places puts millions of pedestrians and cyclists at risk of fatal accidents and poor health from low physical activity rates.
In the United States alone, physical inactivity accounts for about 11% of premature deaths and $117 billion in health costs annually.2

Disproportionately affected are low-income and urban populations, who rely on walking and biking as a primary form of transportation.
Being hit by a vehicle is the #1 cause of injury-related death in children under 14 in New York City and #2 for seniors.3

The trend is only worsening.
In 2015, the number of pedestrians killed in traffic crashes has increased year-to-year by an estimated 10%!4

Numina sensor in city

We built a solution just for public spaces.

Numina is purpose-built for streets and parks. We work with cities' existing work flows and infrastructure. In addition to offering our advanced technology, we also approach cities with innovative business models and share best practices across our communities — to make it easy for cities to adopt.

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