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Numina facilitates safer, more efficient cities

Through our bicycle and pedestrian traffic API tool APIalpha you can request visualizations, volumes, and spatial behaviors (like turns and dwell times).

Numina measures...

  • volume counts
  • paths
  • proximities
  • interactions
  • activity heatmaps

  • pedestrians
  • bicycles
  • cars
  • trucks
  • buses
  • dogs
  • bags of trash
} answer questions like:

Where do pedestrians cross the street?

How often do bicycles ride on the sidewalk?

What are average loading times for trucks at the curbside?

Where are storefront visitors coming from?

Use Cases

directional arrows on streetcorner

The San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department uses Numina in Golden Gate Park to compare visitorship, traffic, and events attendance between open traffic and car-free days.

trash bins on street

The City of Nijmegen uses Numina to more efficiently schedule sanitation services by detecting overfull trash bins.

Crosswalk over heavy ped paths on intersection

City of Jacksonville used Numina to baseline pedestrian usage, quantify crash rates, and identify where to locate new mid-block crossings.


Paths of peds cars and trucks on street view


Street-level data from Brooklyn, NY

Our pedestrian count API sandbox provides access to 10 days of real street-level data from our deployment with the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership and New Lab. For specifics on this data, visit our documentation.

Read about how to use Numina’s API as we did for Downtown Brooklyn Partnership in this case study.


User-defined spatial filters

Use our in-browser tool to create “Behavior Zones” which are street-level spatial filters. You can use Behavior Zones to learn more about how different modes or objects use a public space.

Get the documentation

Request access to our data sandbox and dive into the documentation

Developer’s Annotation: Downtown Brooklyn Case Study

Hi there! This post is a developer annotation of a previous analysis published on the Numina blog. In this post, we’ll go through how a developer can use the Numina API to analyze detailed street-level data. If you’re interested in using the

Numina Presents at Transit Techies NYC

The Numina Team had the pleasure presenting at the Transit Techies NYC Meetup #9 Skip-Stop Service on Wednesday, July 17 at Intersection HQ in Hudson Yards. Tara Pham, our CEO, introduced the Numina product to the crowd, and Pranav Badami,

Our API is used by

Downtown Brooklyn Partnership logo
NewLab logo
Intemo Logo
Citiesense logo
State of Place logo
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