We’re honored to bring Numina to the Innovation District in downtown Las Vegas. Along Fremont Ave., Las Vegas hosts inspiring events like civic hackathons and Life is Beautiful, and the City is piloting amazing technologies spanning environmental monitoring, autonomy, and more. This area will be one of the most trafficked places we’ve deployed Numina to date, and we are excited to test new uses cases in such an innovation-dense sandbox.
The day we installed our sensors, it was over 115ºF, so already we’ve seen our hardware survive conditions we hadn’t yet encountered outside of lab.
“We are thrilled to bring on two more companies to partner with the city of Las Vegas in our Innovation District. Our goal is to become a ‘smart city’ by 2025, where smart technology operates seamlessly with our infrastructure to benefit our residents and visitors,” says Michael Sherwood, City of Las Vegas’ Director of Technology and Innovation. When we originally reached out to Michael, we were happy to find his simultaneous open-mindedness to new solutions and determination to find the best fit for his city’s unique challenges.
And the City of Las Vegas’ staff is all-in. Their streets engineers were out there with us in 115º heat, mounting Numina sensors on Vegas infrastructure. Don in Technology and Joanna in Public Works met us as Smart Cities Connect in Austin, TX, and were proudly showing our live dashboard at their expo booth. These are the kinds of partners you want for civic innovation projects.
Don and Joanna for Las Vegas at Smart Cities Connect 2017, with their Numina dashboard. Dedicated Las Vegas engineers installing Numina, despite 115º heat!
We look forward to sharing more as this project goes on. Read more and follow along on the City of Las Vegas’ blog.