This week, Numina has the honor of presenting to over 17,000 visitors and more than 700 cities at the center of the Smart City Expo & World Congress, as one of the event’s five most innovative solutions selected in its Call for Solutions. It was a very competitive process, and we’re excited that Numina has resonated with the World Congress as a groundbreaking tool for cities to measure street activity and enable urban automation.

At SCEWC17, we will be demonstrating our next-generation dashboard. It will include our existing volume analytics and travel-path mapping — as well as new capabilities for draw-your-own screen-lines and polygons to parse data within each street view itself.
This feature enables one or two Numina sensors to fully cover a street scene and provide more and higher-quality data than a dozen traditional traffic sensors would be able to detect in a typical intersection. By linking these distinct, user-generated screen-lines and polygons to municipal and enterprise services, Numina becomes an actuator network that detects specific events in streets and triggers a real-time response from the city.

If you’d like a demo, please reach out to us at If you share our vision for more responsive cities and would like to work on our product, we’re hiring! Please email your qualifications and a note to